Why are my cacti and agaves turning yellow during the summer and what can I do to prevent it?
The reason for the cacti and agave’s turning yellow during the summer, is a result of a sunburn due to the brutal temperatures we have...
Why are my cacti and agaves turning yellow during the summer and what can I do to prevent it?
How far deep should I plant my shrub?
When should I prune my roses?
My citrus tree isn’t producing any citrus! What am I doing wrong?
If I plant herbs and vegetables during the winter will they go into seed?
When is the best time to start planting?
My bougainvillea has black dots and doesn’t look so great! What is happening to my bougainvillea?!
How often do you water succulents and cacti and what should I do to properly maintain their care?
When and how often should I fertilize my citrus trees?